I undertook this journey because, as an obssessive, marginally compulsive person, the idea of walking around the island, ending on any given day at one point and beginning precisely there again the next time was irresistable. Having begun it though I've enjoyed discovering, again and again, these new perspectives of my island every time I clamber over a boulder or round a peninsula. I've seen Vinalhaven from the inside out nearly all my life. I am now seeing it from the outside in.
The walks are not daily events. Day one was on October 6, 2009; today is December 30.
Neither have they been particularly arduous. Each is between two and three hours. Most of the walk is done right on the shore, below the high tide mark although now and then, when terrain renders that route impassible, I take to the woods but stay

Today's leg, number 16, was from Hall Island, where it connects (at low tide) to Conway Point (it will come as no surprise to islanders I found Conways there - working on the Rhinelander house), then eastward through Leadbetter Narrows and around the point to the entrance to Crockett River. The peninsula is now traversed by nicely maintained footpaths, each path mark

I should get this bit of business done with right away; perhaps it will keep me from obssessing over it. There is more trash on the shore and in the woods near the shore than I would have thought possible. After 16 days of being overwhelmed by it I came across this tiny nook, maybe twenty five feet wide. The arrangement of rubbish gathered so perfectly by the driftwood was startlingly, well, beautiful. It is, however, a singular exception.

Vinalhaven does have beaches, lovely beaches. They'll probably never attract a boardwalk and I doubt you'll be able to get a Margarita nearby but don't let anyone tell you we don't have beaches. I could easily imagine three, maybe four, sun worshippers snuggling into this lovely, inviting and secluded oasis. This is one of several I've visited so far. The last, an expanse of perfect red sand about the same size, was on Hall Island looking out at Fiddlehead and, beyond, to Wharff Quarry.

The windmills have been visible more often than not on each day of this journey. This view is from Leadbetter Narrows.

I took my first fall today, the first of any consequence. Not bad, a little bruise, but here is a sweet vertical version of that which, lying beneath the seaweed, upended me.
Leg 17, expected to get underway next week will take me north along the eastern shore of Crocket River.