During this early morning walk and the one preceeding it, in this one stretch of shore from the Carrying Place Bridge to Jenning Cove, I passed four houses my dad built, one he and I built and three I built myself. I remember when Livingston Jennings bought this land, all of it from a local fellow who probably thought he got a pretty good deal but then Liv divided up the narrow shoreline between the Carrying Place and the head of Mill Pond into one and two acre lots and the land on Boy Scout Point and beyond to where Stetson's is now into ten acre lots and put them all on the market. At the time my grandfather was a real estate salesman for the Allen Agency and Grant Duell was representing Cousins. Between the two of them and, a little later when I took over from my grandfather, me all the lots were sold. Jennings did pretty well for himself and in the process managed to get a heretofore unnamed offshore island and a cove offically named for himself.
A pair of Ospreys, probably in the committed sense, entertained me for a long while just off Boy Scout Point as they engaged in the remarkable aerials that allow them to prowl from aloft for prey far beneath them in the shallows of low tide. During my ten or fifteen minutes of observation they apparently didn't seen anything worth diving for but expended a lot of energy in the process.

I've often seen apple trees during my walk. Now and then one seems interesting enough to go up and investigate. This was one of those. They are nearly all lovely, rambling old artifacts, now and then exceptionally beautiful.

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