Leg 61, south from Smith harbor, around Barley Hill and Calderwood Point and into Fish House Cove. 

This was a comparatively easy walk as have been the last two, lots of big flat rocks or boulders, very little mud, plenty of barnacles to cement each foot hold and lots of opportunity to enjoy the extraordinary beauty that is the east side and all that lies beyond it. Today was perfect, quite windy out of the north northwest and thus plenty of sea pounding the ledges all around me, cool temperatures so no matter how I pushed I didn't overheat and bright sunshine illuminating everything around me and brimstone, Saddleback Light and Islle a Haut beyond.

It had everything too, bold ledges being pounded relentlessly and a tiny secluded white sand beach in the lee.

The fresh water run off through this little clam flat eroded all but certain elements within the mud but only in this center trickle, not in those on either side. These more sturdy fragments stood erect amidst the little wash like soldiers on parade.

This was a comparatively easy walk as have been the last two, lots of big flat rocks or boulders, very little mud, plenty of barnacles to cement each foot hold and lots of opportunity to enjoy the extraordinary beauty that is the east side and all that lies beyond it. Today was perfect, quite windy out of the north northwest and thus plenty of sea pounding the ledges all around me, cool temperatures so no matter how I pushed I didn't overheat and bright sunshine illuminating everything around me and brimstone, Saddleback Light and Islle a Haut beyond.
It had everything too, bold ledges being pounded relentlessly and a tiny secluded white sand beach in the lee.
A boathouse foundation?
Next Leg (62) toward and round Arey Neck.
Next Leg (62) toward and round Arey Neck.
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