Often, in October, deer hunters station themselves at stategic points along the shore in anticipation of a deer, being 'run' by a companion, crashing out of the woods into their sights. They don't often welcome me as, at those expectant moments, I come stumbling around the bend.
If I'd come during a big tide (with a corresponding extra low) I'd have been able to make it out to Greer (actually Green) Island. As it was I might have made it. The water was about a foot and a half deep, cold though.
I passed a house my dad built around the time I was in the service. It's an unusual house, designed by the artitect owner, flat roof, no conventional framing, unusual materials. He enjoyed it though. It's settled very nicely into its surroundings which is, I'm sure, what the owner had in mind. He and his wife still summer there and have settled equally well into the fabric of this community.
I'm moving, for the first time since I began in '09' into the settlement that is Vinalhaven and walking along the shore may now and then intrude on someone's privacy. I'll try to keep that in mind. I've photographed, but not exhibited here, every dwelling that's been visible from the shore. I'll stop doing that as I get nearer the village.
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