The area on the east side, near the entrance is littered with huge boulders, much bigger than I've encountered elsewhere and, I assume, have been calved off Starboard Rock and its attendant peninsula. 

The accummulation of ice and snow is everywhere divided precisely by the high tide mark which has dissolved some or all of it during the interlude when it lingered at that level.

There are some very cozy berths up here at the head of the cove and at the head of it's little westerly branch, really appealing spots that were, particularly in the west branch, about as far away as one can get from what passes, out here, for hussle and bussle.

Near the entrance is an expansive mussel bed, bigger than any I've come across since the one at thead of Perry Creek. It's a beautiful colony, wide and with sweeping curves defining the areas where here, at low tide, it's boundaries meet the sea. I stood and watched for a while as those edges changed with the advancing tide. It reminded me of an Eric Hopkins painting that had taken on a little life.
Next leg, 48, will leave Calderwood Neck behind.
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